Natural Cycles Review 2023 + Discount Code

Posted byAndrea Posted onJuly 26, 2023 Comments0

I personally believe that women should not be on hormonal birth control because the health risks are too high and great. More and more people are turning to natural birth control methods like fertility awareness method (FAM) for birth control. But are these algorithm-powered technologies worth considering? Today we’re delving into the pros and cons of natural birth control to help you determine if it’s a viable option for your reproductive health. From understanding the basics of natural birth control, to the benefits and drawbacks, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide for those looking to take control of their contraception. So, whether you’re curious about natural birth control or actively considering it, read on to learn more – plus I’m sharing my thoughts on a popular birth control app with a Natural Cycles review (and discount code) at the end.

natural cycles birth control app

Before we dive into the pros and cons of FAM, let’s first understand what it is. Fertility awareness method, also known as natural family planning or natural contraception, involves tracking a person’s menstrual cycle to determine when they are most fertile and avoiding intercourse during that time to prevent pregnancy. There’s only a specific window of your cycle when you can actually get pregnant. This method requires daily monitoring of basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and other physical changes to accurately predict ovulation. With perfect use, FAM can be up to 99.4% effective, but it requires dedication and consistency in tracking and abstaining during the fertile window.

hormone free birth control

The Pros of Natural Birth Control

Fertility awareness method or FAM has been gaining popularity as a natural form of birth control. Although it may not be suitable for everyone, there are several advantages to using this method.

Firstly, natural birth control does not involve the use of hormones or chemicals, making it a safer alternative to hormonal birth control methods that can have side effects. This makes it an attractive option for those who may have experienced negative effects from traditional birth control pills or intrauterine devices.

Natural birth control encourages self-awareness and body literacy, as it requires users to track their menstrual cycle and pay close attention to their bodies. This can help individuals to better understand their own reproductive health and can even aid in identifying any potential health issues early on.

Also, FAM can be used as a way to enhance fertility, as it helps individuals to identify their most fertile days and increase their chances of conceiving. Couples who are trying to conceive can benefit from using FAM as a way to pinpoint the best time for intercourse.

FAM offers a natural and hormone-free contraceptive method that encourages self-awareness and can be used to enhance fertility. However, it is important to note that FAM requires dedication and consistency in tracking and abstaining during the fertile window. We will explore the potential drawbacks of this method in the following section.

natural cycles birth control app

The Cons of Natural Birth Control

While natural birth control methods can be effective when used correctly, they also come with their own set of risks. First and foremost, FAM requires diligent tracking of menstrual cycles and basal body temperature in order to accurately identify the fertile window. It is easy to miss or misinterpret signals, particularly for those with irregular cycles, which can lead to unintended pregnancy. Additionally, relying solely on FAM for birth control does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

The main danger of relying solely on natural birth control is the high failure rate. Studies show that up to 24% of women using natural birth control methods will become pregnant within the first year of use. This failure rate is higher than that of most hormonal contraceptives and even some barrier methods. Additionally, natural birth control methods require a high level of commitment and discipline from the user. Women need to track their menstrual cycles accurately and consistently to identify their fertile window correctly. Any mistakes or lapses in tracking can result in unintended pregnancies. Finally, natural birth control methods do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, which can have serious health consequences. This means women who rely solely on FABMs need to be aware of the risks involved and consider using additional forms of protection or consulting with a healthcare provider to find a method that works best for them.

Another downside of Fertility Awareness Method as a natural birth control method is that it requires abstaining from intercourse or using a barrier method during the fertile window, which can be up to 10 days long. This can be challenging for some couples, particularly those with high libido or difficulty with abstinence. It also requires communication and mutual understanding between partners, as well as a level of trust that both parties will adhere to the chosen method of contraception.

To minimize these risks, it’s crucial to consider using additional forms of protection, such as barrier methods in combination with natural birth control methods. It’s also important to consult a healthcare provider to find the best method for individual needs. A healthcare provider can offer guidance, support, and expertise in selecting and using birth control methods effectively, as well as monitoring for potential side effects or health concerns.

Combining methods and seeking expert advice can help ensure reliable and safe contraception, while also empowering women to take control of their reproductive health. Ultimately, the decision about which birth control method to use should be based on individual needs, lifestyle, and preferences, and should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider to ensure the best possible outcome.,

natural cycles birth control app

Natural Cycles Review

Natural Cycles is one of the most popular natural birth control apps that’s FDA cleared and hormone free. It uses a smart algorithm that is sensitive to subtle patterns in a woman’s cycle to determine daily fertility, based on basal body temperature and period data. This of course means it can also be used as a pregnancy planning app. Instead of dosing our bodies with artificial hormones, we’re relying on the power of advanced technology.

The app is able to analyze your basal temperature readings along with your menstrual cycle information to tell you when you’re fertile and not. It’s important to note that Natural cycles is 93% effective with typical use, 98% effective with perfect use.

The word app may make you think of social media and word games, but Natural Cycles is actually a regulated medical device. What this means is it’s a certified medical device that’s regulated by official bodies. It’s:

  • FDA Cleared in the US as a digital birth control method since 2018
  • First CE-marked Class IIbmedical device (CE0123) for use as a method of birth control
  • Listed as a Therapeutic Device in Australia

In order to achieve FDA clearance the app had undergone analysis of more than 15,000 women over 180,000 cycles. 

How Does Natural Cycles Work

You need the app and their oral thermometer, which comes with a subscription. If you have an OURA smart ring, the app can sync with that instead.

Every morning before you get out of bed, you take your temperature with the thermometer and input it into the app.

natural cycles birth control app

You can also input other details to help the algorithm.

The more temperature and period data the app receives the better it can track your fertility.

It will give you a red for days you are fertile and need to use protection and green for days you’re not fertile.

natural cycles birth control app

I feel that it offers additional benefits besides just tracking your fertile days. The app can also help you learn more about feminine health, which is something that’s never really taught to us in school but should be. I’ve been able to understand my cycle much more and what mood I might be in during my luteal phase versus follicular phase for instance. I personally find that fascinating. There’s actually a whole community out there of women who work and eat based on their menstrual cycles. While I may not go that far, I find the concept very interesting.

After the first month of adding my temperature, the app was very accurate at predicting my period days even though I have somewhat of an irregular cycle. It doesn’t always land on the same day every month, but by analyzing my temperature I guess the app can detect when it’s going to start.

The app itself is sophisticated and easy to use, and even has a learn section with informational articles related to feminine health and wellness.

Overall, I think this type of hormone free and natural birth control is worth considering if you feel it’s right for you.

natural cycles birth control app

How Much Does Natural Cycles Cost?

They offer either an annual plan with some built-in savings or a monthly plan so you can pay as you go. The annual plan is under $90 and the monthly plan is under $10 per month.

Natural Cycles Discount Code – OBL saves 15%

Use affiliate discount code OBL to save 15% at Natural Cycles.

hormone free birth control natural cycles



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