The Ultimate Guide to Menstrual Cups 2023

Posted byAndrea Posted onJune 6, 2023 Comments0
Periods. They happen to half the population, yet talking about them often induces shame and embarrassment. But what if we told you there’s an alternative to traditional period products like pads and tampons? One that’s not only reusable and eco-friendly, but can also save you money in the long run. Enter menstrual cups. Despite their increasing popularity, menstrual cups, also known as period cups, can still be a mysterious and intimidating option for some.
In this menstrual cup guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using menstrual cups, from choosing the right size to maintenance and cleaning, so you can confidently make the switch and experience the benefits for yourself.
  • Choosing the right size
  • Insertion techniques
  • Removal techniques
  • Maintenance & cleaning
  • Best menstrual cups
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Benefits of menstrual cups

Choosing the Right Size

To ensure a comfortable and leak-free period, choosing the right size menstrual cup is extremely important. Most menstrual cup brands offer two or three sizes based on factors such as age, childbirth history, and flow level. It’s important to note that choosing the wrong size can make the cup uncomfortable or even ineffective, so take the time to measure yourself and research the brand’s sizing recommendations.

If you’re under 30 years old and haven’t given birth, a smaller size may be suitable for you. On the other hand, those over 30 or who have given birth vaginally may require a larger size. Another factor to consider is your flow level. If you have a heavier flow, you may want to opt for a larger size with a higher capacity.

To measure yourself, simply insert a finger into your vagina and feel for your cervix. If it’s low or you can easily reach it, a smaller size may be more comfortable. If it’s higher up or you have difficulty reaching it, a larger size may be necessary. Keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, so don’t be afraid to try a different size if one isn’t working for you.

Now that you know how to choose the right size, let’s move on to insertion techniques, the most uncomfortable part of using period cups for many.

Insertion Techniques

Once you’ve chosen the right size menstrual cup, it’s time to learn how to insert it. Insertion can be a bit tricky at first, but with some practice, it will become much easier. The following techniques can help.

Before you start, make sure your hands are clean. Wash them thoroughly with soap and water. You can also use a water-based lubricant to help with insertion.

Option 1: Fold and insert

Fold the cup in half lengthwise so it forms a C-shape. Then, with your fingers holding the folded cup, insert it into your vagina. You can also twist the cup slightly to ensure it opens up inside you.

Option 2: Push and insert

Push the cup into your vagina, making sure it’s facing the right way. Keep pushing until the entire cup is inside you. You can also twist the cup slightly to ensure it opens up inside you.

Option 3: Squeeze and insert

Squeeze the cup together with your fingers so that it forms a narrow point. Then, insert the narrow end into your vagina and release your fingers so that the cup pops open inside you.

Once your cup is inserted, run your finger around the edge of the cup to make sure it’s fully opened and in the right position. You shouldn’t be able to feel the cup at all if it’s inserted correctly.

To remove the cup, simply grasp the base of the cup and gently pull it out. Don’t pull on the stem, as this can cause discomfort. Once the cup is out, empty the contents into the toilet or sink, rinse the cup with water, and reinsert. If you keep at it, inserting and removing your menstrual cup will become second nature.

Removal Techniques

When it comes to removing your menstrual cup, the process is just as simple as inserting it. However, it’s important to do so carefully to avoid any discomfort. To start, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid any potential infections.

When ready to remove the cup, simply relax your muscles and gently grasp the base of the cup. Slowly pull downwards until you can reach the stem of the cup. Then, gently wiggle the cup back and forth to break the seal before pulling it out completely. Remember not to pull on the stem, as this can cause discomfort.

Once the cup is out, empty its contents into the toilet or sink and rinse it out with warm water. Using soap is not recommended, as it can disrupt the natural pH balance of your vagina. After cleaning the cup, it’s ready to be reinserted.

With time and practice, inserting and removing your menstrual cup will become second nature. Remember to always wash your hands before handling the cup and take your time to do so carefully to avoid any discomfort.

Now that we’ve gotten the most difficult bits out of the way, let’s move on to the next step: maintenance and cleaning.

Maintenance and Cleaning

To ensure the longevity of your menstrual cup and maintain a healthy vaginal environment, it is important to clean and sterilize it properly after each use. The first step in this process is washing your hands before removing the cup to prevent any bacteria from entering your vagina. Once you have removed the cup, empty the contents into the toilet and rinse the cup with cold water to prevent staining.

After rinsing, use a mild, unscented soap to wash the cup thoroughly. Be sure to remove any residue or buildup on the inside of the cup as well as on the stem if the cup has one. Avoid using harsh chemicals or scented soaps as they can irritate the delicate vaginal area.

Once the cup is clean, it is essential to sterilize it by boiling it in a pot of water for 5-10 minutes. This will kill any remaining bacteria and ensure that your cup is safe to use again. Be sure to use a pot designated specifically for boiling your menstrual cup and not for cooking food.

It is important to note that menstrual cups should not be stored in an airtight container as this can cause bacteria to grow. Instead, store your cup in a breathable cotton bag or container.

By properly cleaning and sterilizing your menstrual cup, you can ensure that it remains in good condition for years to come, sometimes even 10+ years if your dog doesn’t chew it up.

Period Cup Frequently Asked Questions


If you’re new to using a menstrual cup, you may have some questions on, for instance, how often to clean it, and how to make sure it’s working properly. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about using period cups:

1. How often should I empty my menstrual cup?

This will depend on your flow, but most people find that they need to empty their cup every 6-12 hours. It’s important to not leave your cup in for longer than this, as it can increase your risk of infection.

2. Can I sleep with my menstrual cup in?

Yes, you can! In fact, many people find that using a menstrual cup is more comfortable than using pads or tampons, especially at night.

3. How do I clean my menstrual cup?

You should always wash your hands before handling your menstrual cup. To clean your cup, simply rinse it with warm water and mild soap. If you want to sterilize it, you can boil it in water for a few minutes.

4. Can I use a menstrual cup if I have an IUD?

Yes, you can. However, you should be careful when removing your cup, as pulling on the stem or suction can dislodge your IUD. Always make sure to break the suction seal before removing your cup.

5. Can I swim or exercise with my menstrual cup in?

Absolutely! One of the great things about using a menstrual cup is that you can do all your normal activities without worrying about leaks or discomfort.

Hopefully you now feel more confident about using a menstrual cup for a more sustainable and hassle-free period.

Remember, as you make the switch, always listen to your body’s needs and do what feels best for you.

Best Menstrual Cups

  • Bloody Buddy Cup
  • AllMatters (formerly Organicup)
  • Cora

Benefits of Menstrual Cups

There’s a number of major benefits to using period cups:
  • Safe for your health
  • Economical: Saves you up to a hundred dollars each year
  • Sustainable: Better for the planet because they are reusable while tampons and pads must be thrown out after each use
  • Lasts up to 10 years
  • No more risk of toxic shock syndrome from tampons
  • Comfortable: Once you insert it, you can’t even feel it’s there
  • Convenient: They can be left in for up to 12 hours, meaning you can leave it in and forget it about all day, changing it just before going to bed and leaving it in throughout the night

They’re the Eco-friendly Option

Using period cups is not only a smart financial choice, but it’s also an environmentally-friendly option. Did you know that the average person who menstruates uses approximately 11,000 disposable menstrual products in their lifetime? That’s a significant amount of waste that can take centuries to decompose. By using a period cup, you can reduce your environmental impact and help protect the planet. Not only do period cups eliminate waste, but they are also made from medical-grade silicone, which is a sustainable and durable material. This means that one period cup can last for several years, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint. Making the switch to an environmentally-friendly period cup is a small change that can have a big impact on our planet.

Period Cups Save Money

Using period cups is not only a smart financial choice, but it’s also an environmentally-friendly option. Did you know that the average person who menstruates uses approximately 11,000 disposable menstrual products in their lifetime? That’s a significant amount of waste that can take centuries to decompose. By using a period cup, you can reduce your environmental impact and help protect the planet. Not only do period cups eliminate waste, but they are also made from medical-grade silicone, which is a sustainable and durable material. This means that one period cup can last for several years, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint. Making the switch to an environmentally-friendly period cup is a small change that can have a big impact on our planet.

In addition to being an eco-friendly choice, period cups are also cost-effective. Traditional menstrual products like tampons and pads can cost a significant amount over time. The average person spends around $120 per year on menstrual products, but this cost can add up to over $3,000 over a lifetime. In contrast, period cups typically cost around $30-$40 and can last for several years. This means that by switching to a period cup, you can save money in the long run while also reducing your environmental impact.

Not only are period cups a cost-effective option, but they also offer a convenient and comfortable alternative to traditional menstrual products. Once you get the hang of inserting and removing the cup, you’ll find that it’s a hassle-free option that allows you to go about your day with ease. Plus, period cups don’t require frequent changes like tampons and pads do, so you can wear them for up to 12 hours at a time without worrying about leaks or discomfort.


Not only are period cups a cost-effective option, but they also offer a convenient and comfortable alternative to traditional menstrual products. Once you get the hang of inserting and removing the cup, you’ll find that it’s a hassle-free option that allows you to go about your day with ease. Plus, period cups don’t require frequent changes like tampons and pads do, so you can wear them for up to 12 hours at a time without worrying about leaks or discomfort.

You Avoid Toxins Found in Most Tampons and Pads

There’s always the option of non-toxic tampons and pads, but with a menstrual cup you also avoid the harmful chemicals and toxins that can disrupt your natural balance and lead to various health issues. Period cups are made of medical-grade silicone and are free of harmful substances, ensuring that your body stays safe and healthy during your period.

One of the biggest health benefits of using a period cup is the reduced risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). TSS is a potentially deadly condition caused by the release of toxins from bacteria that can be present in traditional menstrual products. The risk of TSS is significantly lower when using a period cup because they do not absorb menstrual blood like traditional products. Instead, they collect the blood, reducing the risk of bacterial growth.

Another health benefit of using a period cup is a reduced risk of vaginal infections. Traditional menstrual products can disrupt the pH balance in your vagina, making it easier for harmful bacteria to grow. By using a period cup, you’re avoiding these disruptions and keeping your vagina healthy and balanced.

In addition, period cups can also help reduce menstrual cramps, which for some women is the main reason they use period cups. When using tampons or pads, your menstrual blood is quickly absorbed, which can cause your uterus to contract more frequently and painfully. With a period cup, the blood is collected rather than absorbed, meaning you’ll experience fewer cramps during your period.

Switching to period cups is a change that can have a profound impact on your life and the planet. By using a more environmentally-friendly option, you’re reducing waste and saving money in the long run. Additionally, period cups are convenient, comfortable, and provide health benefits.


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