How To Make Your Home More Sustainable: Easy Eco-Friendly Swaps in 2023

Posted byAndrea Posted onJuly 25, 2022 Comments0
Eco friendly bedroom

Making eco-friendly swaps in the home is super easy, and you get to help the environment and reduce your exposure to toxins at the same time. Gone are the days when we carelessly used plastic wrap for all our stored fridge food and plastic bags when we shopped for groceries. There has been a societal shift as it becomes more and more imperative that we start taking care of the environment. And it all begins in our home by making conscious daily choices and small, gradual changes. In this guide to making your home more sustainable, I’m sharing easy eco-friendly swaps for green living.

In today’s world there‘s an eco-friendly swap for virtually everything you own in your home. It can be daunting thinking about overhauling your entire home and I’m not saying you have to, but small changes one by one will eventually add up.

The world of eco-friendly living is innovating at a faster rate than ever and you’ll find amazing inventions that weren’t available even just a year ago. From water saving showerheads to smart eco-friendly home decor and upcycled furniture to Tencel weighted blankets, eco living is better and easier than ever before. Some of these eco-friendly finds I’ve been using in my own home and others serve as inspiration.

Eco-Friendly Swaps For The Bed

White lotus home organic mattress

Organic Mattress

When I moved into my new home, I knew I was going to make it better than my last. One of the first major home items I changed to non-toxic and organic was my bed, because we spend a third of our lives sleeping.

When it’s time to switch out your current mattress, look into the dozens of eco-friendly and non-toxic mattress brands that are out there.


blissy pillowcase review

Organic Bedding

Switching duvets, pillows, bedsheets and blankets to environmentally friendly alternatives is easier now than ever. Look for organic and reclaimed/upcycled materials.

Bearaby weighted blanket


Bearaby Weighted Blanket

Nebia shower curtain
Eco-Friendly Swaps For The Bathroom

Upcycled Shower Curtain

It’s time to ditch your vinyl shower curtain. Plastic shower curtains made with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) are toxic to your health. Studies have shown that PVC shower curtains release as many as 108 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) some of which cause developmental damage and damage to the liver and central nervous, respiratory and reproductive systems.

Nebia Shower Curtain
Processed with VSCO with al1 preset


  • Nebia Shower Curtain (code OBL saves 10%): Nebia Shower Curtain is free of PVC and other toxic plastics and is instead made from 100% recycled polyester. Luxurious soft gray with a subtle shiny finish, anti-billowing design, and lasts up to 10 years.

Upcycled Bath and Shower Mats

Water Saving Shower Head

Desenio posters

Thrifted Decor

A sustainable way to furnish your home is thrifting furniture and decor online. Check out platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Ebay. I’ve discovered some amazing, high quality finds at a fraction of the cost and in near perfect condition off Facebook Marketplace.

Desenio posters

Artwork Posters Instead of Fine Art

If you’re looking for a more eco friendly way to adorn your home with art, posters are a more sustainable option to fine art. Fine art is made with high amounts of lead, turpentine, and other harmful materials while posters can be printed with better alternatives.


  • Desenio Wall Art: Desenio makesa affordable artwork posters and is Forest Stewardship Council-certified, using paper from sustainably managed forests.

Switch to LED Lights

An LED light typically uses 90% less energy than an equivalent incandescent or halogen bulb.

Red flower diffuser

Swap Toxic Air Fresheners for Natural Ones or Plants

Conventional air fresheners are great for making your home smell nice but they’re loaded with toxins that are harmful to the environment and your health. Switch to plants or all natural home fragrance products like soy candles and essential oil based air fresheners.

Check out: Best Non-Toxic Candles





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